Diagnosis and Treatment of Ocular Disease and Injury

The eyes are vital parts of the body, but they can succumb to injuries from sports, workplaces, and even at home. The injuries range from severe to mild, so the treatment will vary depending on the cause and the extent. 

Ocular diseases, on the other hand, vary with people, with some resulting from disorders while others are solely eye-related. The treatment protocols for the different diseases vary with the condition.

The eye doctor will usually detect these diseases during a comprehensive eye exam. Some disorders have visible symptoms, while others stay hidden until detected or until they cause considerable effects on vision.

Eye Injuries

Most eye injuries include scratches, punctures, and bruises. They can occur for several reasons, like exposure to chemicals, debris in the eyes, or accidents. You should see an eye doctor immediately if you have an eye injury.

Some eye injuries can heal with home treatments and some rest. Others can be serious, which might cause severe eye damage and even loss of vision.

Usually, you know you have an eye injury if you develop trouble with your vision or experience pain. You can sustain injuries from exposure to chemicals or if something impacts your eye with force. The eye doctor will tell the extent of the damage during an examination and advise on the treatment protocol.

Common Eye Injuries

  • Black eye - Caused by a blow to the eye.

  • Burns and irritation - A surface hemorrhage caused by excess strain.

  • Bleeding in the eye - Caused by chemical fumes and other irritants.

  • Corneal abrasion - Scratching of the cornea by foreign objects.

  • Foreign object injury - Caused by debris lodging in the eye.

  • Retinal detachment - Can result from age or trauma to the eye.

  • Eye socket (orbital) fractures - Can result from blunt force or trauma to the bones around the eye.

Ocular Diseases

Many types of ocular conditions affect different people. Usually, ocular diseases do not present symptoms until they are at an advanced stage. Therefore, it is best to have regular visits to the eye doctor to be on the safe side. The eye doctor can keep track of the health of your eyes and notice if any conditions begin to develop.

It is not possible to prevent some eye conditions; you can only manage them. Diagnosing these types of diseases early on is therefore paramount. Some conditions can develop to the point that they cause permanent vision loss. 

Common Ocular Conditions

  • Age-related macular degeneration - A disturbance of the center of the retina.

  • Glaucoma - A buildup of ocular fluid, causing pressure.

  • Cataracts - The clouding of the eye lens.

  • Color blindness - A deficiency of colored vision.

  • Eye flashes or floaters - Small particles or clouds that seem to move in your eyes.

  • Keratoconus - Irregular shaping of the cornea.

  • Ocular hypertension - High pressure in the eye.

  • Lazy eye - Poor vision in an eye because of inadequate use earlier in life.

  • Uveitis - Inflammation in the eye.

For more on diagnosis and treatment of ocular disease and injury, visit Coers Family Eye Care, PC, at our office in Columbus, Indiana. You can also call (812) 408-8400 to book an appointment today.

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