Wearing and Caring for Your Contact Lenses

Contact lenses are devices that help with vision correction. Before you get contact lenses, the eye doctor will examine your eyes to assess their health. The exam includes checking for refraction errors and determining your lens prescription.

Many people choose contact lenses over eyeglasses for their convenience. If you decide to wear contacts, you need to know how to care for the lenses. You can learn about wearing and caring for your contact lenses.

Care of Contact Lenses

Good contact lens care will keep the eyes comfortable and healthy. If you decide to get contacts, it is necessary to get a regular checkup. An eye care professional will help ensure that you do not get an infection. Following the eye doctor’s instructions carefully is crucial.

Contacts that do not fit properly can scratch the eye. This can lead to the growth of blood vessels on the cornea. Improper cleaning and storage of contact lenses can also cause infections. Wash your hands thoroughly before handling your contact lenses.

Wearing Contact Lenses

Before you decide to wear contact lenses, you need to find out if you are a good candidate for the lenses. Your eye condition will determine whether you are a good candidate. During the eye exam, the specialist will look for issues that lead to uncomfortable lens wear.

If you have eye complications, the doctor can recommend special lenses to help with your condition. If your eyes become painful, red, or sensitive to light or watery, remove the lenses and visit the doctor. You should also contact the doctor if you have a discharge or blurry vision.

Cleaning and Disinfecting

It is crucial to clean and disinfect contacts lenses when you remove them and before you put them on. Cleaning the lenses well will help avoid eye infections. You can find different cleaning solutions to help with lens cleaning.

Consult your eye doctor about the best cleaning agent for your lens type. If your eyes form protein deposits or suffer from allergies, you may need specific lens solutions. Follow the cleaning instructions carefully.

The Replacement Schedule

The eye doctor will recommend the best lenses for your situation. The options are daily disposables and lenses that are re-worn every day. Keep the schedule for replacing your lenses. Disposable lenses are easier to use because they do not require cleaning and storage.

Frequent-wear lenses need cleaning and disinfection before each wear. It is essential to follow the prescribed replacement schedule.

Storing Contact Lenses

Follow the instructions from the eye doctor or lens manufacturer for proper lens storage. Make sure you store your contact lenses in their case. Keep the case clean by rinsing it with contact lens solution and leaving it to dry.

Replace the case every three months or sooner if it gets damaged. Remember to clean the lenses before you wear them again. Do not use tap water to rinse or store the lenses. You should also avoid using homemade saline solutions.

Contact lenses tend to warp over time. The shape of the cornea can also change. It is vital to ensure that contact lenses fit correctly. Regular visits to the eye doctor will ensure that you get the right prescription.

For more on wearing and caring for your contact lenses, visit Coers Family Eyecare, PC at our office in Columbus, Indiana. You can call (812) 408-8400 today to schedule an appointment.

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